Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend Recap

Getting out of bed this morning was horrible, I just wanted to stay cuddled up in my nice and warm bed all day.  Days like today made me miss college when I didn't schedule a class before 10 am. But since I am a big kid now I live for the weekends and try to enjoy every second.  This weekend wasn't necessarily one for the books but I still enjoyed a relaxing night with my roommate and our puppy loves (I babysat for Bo, my parents dog, all weekend), a big win for both of my teams, a fun night out in National Harbor with my girlfriends and a relaxing day in Georgetown to wrap everything up.  All in all I would say it was a successful one.  Happy Monday!

Thursday dinner club party
Girlfriends at Bobby McKeys

Two tired out babes

best way to end the weekend....sangria at the waterfront


Wednesday, September 19, 2012


While Summer is by far my MOST favorite season I would say Fall is close second.  I love the crisp air, cozy sweaters, big bonfires and fall flavored foods.   Today I came home to find a HUGE bowl of candy corn on our kitchen counter and a tupperware of fall inspired white chocolate bark in our about temptation.  I will do what I can to avoid the scrumptious autumn treats but will take full advantage of the other goodies Fall brings to the table (though I am sure I will give in once or twice).  


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Mama!

Today was my beautiful mother's birthday! Instead of going out to dinner; my grandparents cooked dinner for us at their house.  Even though they only live half an hour away I never get a chance to see them so it was so great to spend time with them tonight. 


I know I am probably completely biased but I think I have one of the greatest moms in the world.  She is a real life Martha Stewart - she can literally do anything.  Whether it is planning a gala to coordinating nightly dinners for an ill neighbor I can always tell when it has the mark of my mom on it.  Everything she does has the distinct care and precision that only someone like her can bring to the table.  I can not tell you how many Halloween costumes she has sewn, birthday cupcakes she has made or hours she has spent with me on the phone.  There are absolutely no words to describe how amazing she is.  I have always heard how lucky I am to have someone like her in my life and the older I get the more I have noticed it and appreciated it.  She has such a big heart and always finds a way to see the positive in a situation.  She is the definition of a "doer" and finds a way to make it happen.  
Total Babe 

Last month my parents became empty nesters.  At first I was a little worried for them.  My mom has spent the last 24 years of her life completely dedicated to her family.  With all three of us gone I was thinking this poor woman is going to lose it.  Whose high school auction will she chair?  No more PTA. No more Athletic Advisory Board meetings...  In my mind she was going to be doomed.  So I stepped up and came up with a wish list of crafting for her to complete for me :)  The result of my parents first month as empty nesters got me reupholstered cushions for our living room as well as a beautiful fabric headboard for my room!  And I kid you not - not only was she so excited for these new projects but they turned out incredible! In all, my mom is one of the people I look up to the most and my role model.  If I can put even half as much devotion and love into my life as she does I know I will turn out just fine.  Until than I will continue adding to my wish list of crafting to busy my energizer bunny mother - it is the least I can do!


She does not like this picture but I think it is so cute. They are SO young.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Farewell to Summer

This afternoon when I was running it sunk in....summer is really over.  I should start by saying I was born for summer.  I am a total beach bum and have been since diapers.  I lived at the beach the summer after college and loved every second of it.  Summertime is not just about the beach though. It's the warm weather clothes, outdoor parties and bright sunny days.  I will miss my summer time days but have plenty of incredible memories from the last 4 months to hold me over till next year!

Roof Top Lauriol Plaza days and nights

Fancy night out turned to "night of the noses"

My very first Annual Conference in Marco Island, Florida with such great coworkers

A relaxing couple of hours on the beach in Marco

Greatest Memorial Day Weekend/Birthday Weekend with friends

Lots of concerts!

Nats Games

Girls wine nights

Family Beach Trip to the Outer Banks

Week in Charleston

Tim McGraw/Kenny Chesney LOVE



In A Nut Shell

I am relatively new to the blogging world.  I have read a lot of blogs so I feel like I have an idea of where to begin...introduce myself.  I consider myself to be a passionate person. I love my family, friends, fashion, travel, food, design...all things that are blog worthy!  Below is a preview if you will of the things I will discuss and the things that are the most important to me.  ENJOY!

My Family

So my family is honestly the most important thing in the world to me.  They are the greatest people I know and I admire them all for such different reasons and could not ask for more.

My Roommates
I am so blessed to have the most such great roommates. We have so much fun together and I could not have put together a better group.

My Sweet Puppy
He may not be a puppy anymore (I consider him more of a polar bear) but he is the sweetest thing in the world.  Whenever I visit my parents I look forward to pulling into the driveway because I get the most loving hello ever.

My girlfriends
I do not know how I got so lucky to have the greatest group of girlfriends in the world.  I think I have a unique and special relationship with each one and I love that.  We are always looking for fun new adventures to do together so life is never boring!

My New Neighborhood!
In May I moved into Glover Park (with the girls above).  I LOVE IT.  It has been 4 months and every weekend a new adventure.  My summer was full of backyard barbecues, late night parties and couch snug sessions.  I am so excited for what's to come.

This is my life in a nut shell.  I am so excited for what's ahead and I can't wait to see where life takes me!


I'm backkkkk

After over a year I'M BACK - not that my previous two posts should really even count but I am excited to start this! I religiously read a select list of blogs and they inspire me to want to write my thoughts and feelings too.  Even if no one reads it, I still want to remember what was going on at different times in my life and this seems like a perfect way to achieve that!